Window to Creation


12”x24” Acrylic on Canvas

Inspiration by God is a wondrous gift, a wellspring of creativity that awakens in the soul a longing to glimpse the very genesis of existence. What incredible stories one could weave if granted a vision that reaches back to the birth of it all! In the pages of the Bible, the Book of Psalms, Psalm 104:32 (KJV), whispers of the Creator's hand: 'He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth: he toucheth the hills, and they smoke.' These verses unveil the divine's profound connection with creation.

This artistic portrayal captures that essence, where the hand of God, as if reaching from the pages of the Bible itself, descends to make contact with the towering mountains, and at this sacred meeting, a brilliant light emerges. The landscape in the foreground, though it may reside in the shadow of this celestial moment, beckons us to appreciate the grandeur of the Creator in the midst of His creation. It highlights the contrast between the majesty of the divine touch and the splendor of the world shaped by it. An artistic narrative and scripture combine, inviting reflection upon the intricate relationship between the Creator and the created, kindling a sense of wonder, and inspiring all who gaze upon it.

This painting was done during a live recording by my local news.

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