The man behind the brush

Hello, I'm Rick, the artist behind Blind-Sighted Brushwork. As a visually impaired/legally blind artist, I started painting on my own about seven years ago during the final semester of my bachelor's program in digital art. Like many contemporary landscape painters, I drew inspiration from Bob Ross, but as I continued to paint, I developed my own unique style. Although I had drawn since I was young, I didn't pursue it seriously until I attended a four-year school. Initially, I had no knowledge of Photoshop, but with the help of my instructors and self-taught techniques via YouTube, I quickly adapted and gained full proficiency in the Adobe Creative Suite. These days, I mainly work in Procreate on my iPad, which allows me to paint more intuitively, like using pencil on paper with the added benefit of an "undo" button. With the help of these resources and instruction, I have become more adept at digital painting and character design, and I enjoy honing my skills with the hope of making a living doing what I love.

All art starts with an idea, inspiration from God. “

— Rich Fravor

Artist‘s Statement


Vision... sight,  two very different yet at the same time similar words.  You see, vision is not reliant on these portholes that we use to navigate this vessel we call a body.  Rather,  it relies on the mind's eye for guidance.  Where my physical eyes do fail me,  my mind's eye doth much more abound. As the Bible says,

" And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." - 2 Corinthians 12:9 KJV

My sight may be impaired but my vision for creating can never be stifled! My painting could have no higher purpose than to bring glory to God,  the one who gave me the ability that surpasses my disability

Typically I will make a quick “sketch“ ; whether that be in a sketchbook, on my iPad or just in the notes app on my phone. I can never seem to get an image out of my head until it is fully painted or at least fully detailed in a sketch. In fact, the majority of my paintings came directly from my imagination. However, there are a select few that (mainly commissions) that have been based on a photo. In both of my mediums of choice, I use images from the internet to inform individual pieces of my art in order to gain a better understanding of how things work in nature.

“I dream my paintings

and I paint my dreams“

— Vincent Van Gogh

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Acrylic Painting


Most people are awestruck when they see my paintings, especially when they learn that I am legally blind. Often, this revelation prompts the question, "How?" But I can think of no explanation for my ability to paint, except that God has granted me a talent that surpasses my disability. My goal as an artist is to let my light shine for my Lord and my God, showing the world that it is possible to stay positive despite life's many challenges. In both art and life, darkness can accentuate the light, but we should always focus on the positive aspects. It is the interplay of light and shadow that makes a picture captivating!


Digital Art

Digital art is a blessing!!!

Digital art is not a replacement for traditional drawing; rather, it is its own unique art form and should be treated as such. I am grateful for its development because it has made it easier for me to create, and it has given people who might not have otherwise explored their creativity the opportunity to do so. As a result, we are surrounded by beauty every day! Whether it's your cell phone background or the layout of your favorite app, these things are created by artists, but often go unnoticed by the majority of people. However, we are all created beings; every one of us, all seven-plus billion people on this planet, was made by an awesome God who loves us just the way we are. This is my philosophy as an artist: we create because we were created by God, who made everything.