Overcoming Obstacles:

My Journey of Faith and Creativity

As an artist with a visual impairment, I have encountered various difficulties over the years, such as struggling to perceive details in my work and making my art accessible to others. However, I have drawn strength from my faith and the conviction that my artistic abilities are a gift from God.

One significant challenge I faced was learning to work with heavy textures. With my limited vision, it can be tough to work with the intricacies of a heavily textured piece. Yet, I chose to see this as an opportunity to create something distinct and tactile. Through exploring my art using my sense of touch(even through a brush or palette knife), I discovered new textures and techniques that I might not have discovered otherwise.

Heavy texture is not my only obstacle. Being legally blind, I have developed the desire to find ways to make my art accessible to all. To achieve this, I have created visually appealing pieces that are also interactive and tactile. For instance, I have thought about incorporating braille into some paintings and making “sculptures” that encourage touch, making my art available to everyone, irrespective of their visual abilities.

My faith has been integral to my artistic journey, providing me with the strength to persevere in the face of difficulties and view my visual impairment as a blessing. I believe that God gave me my talent for a purpose and that by sharing my art with others, I can inspire them to see the world's beauty.

However, I have learned that I don't have to face these challenges alone. When I feel discouraged, I turn to prayer and meditation to find peace and clarity. I also rely on my loved ones and my community for support.

Although my journey as a visually impaired artist is unique, I believe that my experiences can inspire others to see their challenges differently. No matter the obstacle, whether physical or creative, we all have unique talents to share with the world. With faith, determination, and creativity, anything is possible.

So, if you are facing challenges, take heart. Remember, you are not alone, and with hard work and faith, you too can create something meaningful and beautiful. With faith and creativity, we can turn challenges into opportunities and overcome any obstacle.


Elevate Your Acrylic Landscape Painting with Heavy Texture: